We believe mature women with agency, curiosity and confidence are needed to change the world.

AMANDA CASGAR Co-founder, Hysterical

Hi friends, Amanda here. I’m one of the three founders of Hysterical and want to share our story.

Imagine we’re at a party and grab from the same snack bowl at the same time. Our eyes meet, we see there’s a connection to be made. I want to know how you came here, who you know, what you’re doing tomorrow. And naturally, we get to talking about what’s happening in my life, and herewith, the story of Hysterical unfolds…

Okay, true confessions: I’m a bit of a late-blooming feminist. With an education at an all-girls school and getting lucky in the early days of my career with seriously badass female bosses, (I’m talking about you Renee, Susan, Marilyn, Audrey, Oprah) I never felt invisible, marginalized or othered because of my sex.

So, when I had my first baby at 41 and experienced the life-changing magic of suddenly giving a LOT of F’s, I knew there were more ways to impact the world than I had previously thought. Collapse that a-ha moment with some crazy postpartum hormone swings, the awareness of peri-menopause and a complete attachment to the sleep that was suddenly elusive and you have the seeds of Hysterical.

But seeds would have stayed in the wind if not for co-founder Jenny.

(here Jenny sassy’s up to the table and reaches for a snack from the same bowl)

Jenny, I was just telling my new friend here how we met in Hong Kong during the halcyon days of being single, living abroad and spending every extra dollar on a new adventure. How you were always my maven, sparking what to do, think and be next in the quest for ultimate physical expression. I knew from the minute I took your class at H-Kore that you were a soul mate. Could you have imagined that we would start a company together.

(here Jenny leans in, red curly locks brushing over her shoulder, twinkle in her eye and with her raspy Irish lilt she shares…)

jenny o’meara Co-founder, Hysterical

My story begins with sex education in secondary school. I was only twelve years old when a group of nuns, yes, nuns (I went to school in a convent), taught us about the birds and the bees in the gym hall. They showed us a diagram of male and female anatomy and explained how to avoid pregnancy. 

Instead of feeling empowered, I felt ashamed of my body and uncomfortable discussing anything related to sex or menstruation. As I aged, I realized that my experience was not unique. When I reached my forties and started wondering about menopause, I felt ashamed of getting older and scared that my life was already halfway over. It wasn’t until I started working with women who struggled with weight gain, sleep, and mood disorders during midlife that I realized the impact menopause could have on a woman’s healthspan. I’m a personal trainer, coach, and occasional magic mushroom guide and work with all sorts of people who are often battling something.

With many hours spent in google scholar rabbit holes, I learned perimenopause can start as early as a woman’s late thirties, and it’s simply another stage on the fertility continuum. But why hadn’t anyone talked about this before? Why wasn’t this information readily available.

I wonder if the nuns even knew about perimenopause. But Amanda, I’m glad we can do something about it now. Hysterical is the beginning of our mission to change how we approach menopause.

Hysterical is more than just a platform; it’s a community built by women to break the stigma around menopause and to ignite a whisper culture for women to share their midlife coming-of-age stories and health issues. We will be the generation of women who change the experience of menopause for all women coming up behind us. Menopause, menstrual cycles, pelvic health, and sex should not be taboo. Hysterical is just the start of a movement, and I’m proud to be a part of it.

(Jenny takes another bite and smiles) 

Carolyn, join us! We were just discussing how important it is to support each other through women’s health issues. What do you think?

(Carolyn puts her arm around Jenny and gives her a hip check.  She tucks her grey-blond hair behind her ear and laughs).

caroyln Manning Co-founder, Hysterical

For me, it was experiencing perimenopause symptoms first, thinking about it second.  I felt unlike myself, but I just couldn’t wrap my head around being old enough to consider menopause.  I was 42. (Eye roll) 

I was a late bloomer to … well, blooming. My body has always looked, and operated like a 12 year old boy — simple, no real complications — all the way through two pregnancies and births. And then just when I thought I would coast through my most critical career years … Boom … brain fog. But I couldn’t identify it as a perimenopause symptom because I didn’t know anything about menopause. I only came to the realization after months of inquiry with friends and family — When did my mom start menopause? Maybe I’m just really tired? Is it normal to feel angry all of the time?

Eventually, Amanda and I stumbled into the conversation she was already having with Jenny and … we were off to the races. And, I got myself on HRT immediately!

For me, Hysterical is the natural extension of the conversation we’ve been having for two years. It’s a non-judgmental, real deal place to learn what’s happening and what can be done to avoid falling off a cliff.

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Exclusive Access to All Things Menopause